Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Our Kicks On Route 66

About 2 hours from Vegas is the town of Kingman AZ. And the road from Kingman to Oatman is the Historic Route 66. The last 8 miles or so is some of the twistiest bit of road you have ever seen. Twisty road + MINI Cooper= FUN!!!
We stopped at the Visitor Center before heading up the road.

We arrive in Vegas

After two days hard driving we arrive in Vegas. Here is a shot of our dear Edward from our hotel room at the Palace Station hotel. As you can see there were already quite a few MINI's there.

Vegas part 2

After leaving Pocatello we went on to Draper to meet up with some people from the Utah MINI club. We stopped just out of Draper to gas up. Edward came out ot enjoy the view. Some wondered if he had been there all along :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What Happens in Vegas ends up on Blogger ;)

Well it was a whirl wind trip! But what fun we had. We headed down to AMVIV ( A MINI Vacation In Vegas) Yup a convention of sorts just for MINI cooper cars. Rather fitting knowing Edwards love of cars. He would have appreciated a lot of them too, as ther were some really speedy modded ones too. His ride for this trip was Our own 06 British Racing Green JCW Cooper S. "Sheamus Pop Cooper".

We left Calgary at 5:30am on the 24th of March and made it to Pocatello, ID by evening. Just a pitt stop but the Comfort Inn has fresh made cookies every evening at 8pm. Worth the... cough bit of speed cough... to get some in time ;) Here is a pic of Edward on Sheamus' roof. As you can see by the bit of snow and ice it was a tad cold.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Edward has landed in Canada!!!

After an arduous trip by mail. Our dear Edward had finally landed in Canada, Calgary to be exact.
He will only get to stay here for about a week before he will be driving down to LasVegas. More on that next post. But for now here is a pic of CE at Casa De Wehnes with a blossoming Twilight shrine. I believe he said he felt right at home ;)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

How this all started.....

Well, I'm not exactly sure myself! I made a joke....and, well, we took it and ran! So, to bring you up to date, what we have is Edward Anthony Mason Cullen in action figure form traveling around and proving that we are all nuts! For his first post, we'll start at Edwards home base, Aiken, SC. Once Edward arrived here, he spent a day with me at work where he flirted with a hula girl who wasn't interested (she OBVIOUSLY hasn't read the books, silly girl!). He decided my phone rang too much, got a bit offended by the "dog" on my computer wallpaper, and he spent the rest of the day trying to figure out why my cubicle looked like Jimmy Buffetts Margaritaville blew up! After a dinner out with the closest thing we have to Bella in Aiken (Miss Jordan), he headed out to visit Twyla in Canada. Check back occasionally to see where Edward's been and what he's been up to! Just how much trouble can a vampire get into?

Welcome To Castaway Edwwrds Blog

How far can one little Twilight doll go? The fun will be finding out.
The first leg will be from Aiken, South Carolina U.S.A. All the way to Calgary Alberta Canada. From there he will be driving down to Las Vegas.